ATaCR ===== Introduction ************ ``atacr`` is a module for the correction of vertical component data from OBS stations from tilt and compliance noise. This module is a translation of the Matlab code `ATaCR `_ and the acronym stands for Automatic Tilt and Compliance Removal. For more details on the theory and methodology, we refer the interested reader to the following papers: - Bell, S. W., D. W. Forsyth, and Y. Ruan (2014), Removing noise from the vertical component records of ocean-bottom seismometers: Results from year one of the Cascadia Initiative, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 105, 300-313, - Crawford, W.C., Webb, S.C., (2000). Identifying and removing tilt noise from low-frequency (0.1 Hz) seafloor vertical seismic data, Bull. seism. Soc. Am., 90, 952-963, - Janiszewski, H A, J B Gaherty, G A Abers, H Gao, Z C Eilon, Amphibious surface-wave phase-velocity measurements of the Cascadia subduction zone, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 217, Issue 3, June 2019, Pages 1929-1948, The analysis can be carried out for either one (or both) compliance or tilt corrections. In all cases the analysis requires at least vertical component data. Additional data required depend on the type of analysis. The software will automatically calculate all possible corrections depending on the available channels. Noise Corrections ***************** **Compliance** Compliance is defined as the spectral ratio between pressure and vertical displacement data. Compliance noise arises from seafloor deformation due to seafloor and water wave effects (including infragravity waves). This is likely the main source of noise in vertical component OBS data. This analysis therefore requires both vertical (``?HZ``) and pressure (``?XH``) data. **Tilt** Tilt noise arises from OBS stations that are not perfectly leveled, and therefore the horizontal seafloor deformation leaks onto the vertical component. This effect can be removed by calculating the spectral ratio between horizontal and vertical displacement data. In most cases, however, the tilt direction (measured on a compass - as opposed to tilt angle, measured from the vertical axis) is unknown and must be determined from the coherence between rotated horizontal components and the vertical component. This analysis therefore requires vertical (``?HZ``) and the two horizontal (``?H1,2``) component data. **Compliance + Tilt** It is of course possible to combine both corrections and apply them sequentially. In this case the tilt noise is removed first, followed by compliance. This analysis requires all four components: three-component seismic (``?HZ,1,2``) and pressure (``?DH``) data. API documentation ***************** Base Classes ++++++++++++ :mod:`~obstools.atacr` defines the following base classes: - :class:`~obstools.atacr.classes.DayNoise` - :class:`~obstools.atacr.classes.StaNoise` - :class:`~obstools.atacr.classes.TFNoise` - :class:`~obstools.atacr.classes.EventStream` The class :class:`~obstools.atacr.classes.DayNoise` contains attributes and methods for the analysis of two- to four-component day-long time-series (3-component seismograms and pressure data). Objects created with this class are required in any subsequent analysis. The available methods calculate the power-spectral density (PSD) functions of sub-windows (default is 2-hour windows) and identifies windows with anomalous PSD properties. These windows are flagged and are excluded from the final averages of all possible PSD and cross-spectral density functions between all available components. The class :class:`~obstools.atacr.classes.StaNoise` contains attributes and methods for the aggregation of averaged daily spectra into a station average. An object created with this class requires that at least two `DayNoise` objects are available in memory. Methods available for this class are similar to those defined in the `DayNoise` class, but are applied to daily spectral averages, as opposed to sub-daily averages. The result is a spectral average that represents all available data for the specific station. The class :class:`~obstools.atacr.classes.TFNoise` contains attributes and methods for the calculation of transfer functions from noise traces used to correct the vertical component. A `TFNoise` object works with either one of `DayNoise` and `StaNoise` objects to calculate all possible transfer functions across all available components. These transfer functions are saved as attributes of the object in a Dictionary. The class :class:`~obstools.atacr.classes.EventStream` contains attributes and methods for the application of the transfer functions to the event traces for the correction (cleaning) of vertical component seismograms. An `EventStream` object is initialized with raw (or pre-processed) seismic and/or pressure data and needs to be processed using the same (sub) window properties as the `DayNoise` objects. This ensures that the component corrections are safely applied to produce corrected (cleaned) vertical components. :mod:`~obstools.atacr` further defines the following container classes: - :class:`~obstools.atacr.classes.Power` - :class:`~obstools.atacr.classes.Cross` - :class:`~obstools.atacr.classes.Rotation` These classes are used as containers for individual traces/objects that are used as attributes of the base classes. .. note:: In the examples below, the SAC data were obtained and pre-processed using the accompanying scripts ``atacr_download_data`` and ``atacr_download_event``. See the script and tutorial for details. DayNoise -------- .. autoclass:: obstools.atacr.classes.DayNoise :members: StaNoise -------- .. autoclass:: obstools.atacr.classes.StaNoise :members: TFNoise ------- .. autoclass:: obstools.atacr.classes.TFNoise :members: EventStream ----------- .. autoclass:: obstools.atacr.classes.EventStream :members: Container Classes +++++++++++++++++ Power ----- .. autoclass:: obstools.atacr.classes.Power :members: Cross ----- .. autoclass:: obstools.atacr.classes.Cross :members: Rotation -------- .. autoclass:: obstools.atacr.classes.Rotation :members: Utility functions +++++++++++++++++ .. automodule:: obstools.atacr.utils :members: Plotting functions ++++++++++++++++++ .. automodule:: obstools.atacr.plotting :members: Scripts ******* There are several Python scripts that accompany ``~obstools.atacr``. These can be used in bash scripts to automate data processing. These include scripts to download noise and event data, and perform tilt and compliance noise removal using either the default program values or by refining parameters. All of them use a station database provided as a ``StDb`` dictionary. These scripts are: - atacr_download_data - atacr_download_event - atacr_daily_spectra - atacr_clean_spectra - atacr_transfer_functions - atacr_correct_event ``atacr_download_data`` +++++++++++++++++++++++ Description ----------- Downloads up to four-component (H1, H2, Z and P), day-long seismograms to use in noise corrections of vertical component data. Station selection is specified by a network and station code. The database is provided as a ``StDb`` dictionary. Usage ----- .. code-block:: $ atacr_download_data -h usage: atacr_download_data [options] Script used to download and pre-process up to four-component (H1, H2, Z and P), day-long seismograms to use in noise corrections of vertical component of OBS data. Data are requested from the internet using the client services framework for a given date range. The stations are processed one by one and the data are stored to disk. positional arguments: indb Station Database to process from. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --keys STKEYS Specify a comma-separated list of station keys for which to perform the analysis. These must be contained within the station database. Partial keys will be used to match against those in the dictionary. For instance, providing IU will match with all stations in the IU network. [Default processes all stations in the database] -C CHANNELS, --channels CHANNELS Specify a comma-separated list of channels for which to perform the transfer function analysis. Possible options are '12' (for horizontal channels) or 'P' (for pressure channel). Specifying '12' allows for tilt correction. Specifying 'P' allows for compliance correction. [Default looks for both horizontal and pressure and allows for both tilt AND compliance corrections] -O, --overwrite Force the overwriting of pre-existing data. [Default False] Server Settings: Settings associated with which datacenter to log into. -S SERVER, --Server SERVER Specify the server to connect to. Options include: BGR, ETH, GEONET, GFZ, INGV, IPGP, IRIS, KOERI, LMU, NCEDC, NEIP, NERIES, ODC, ORFEUS, RESIF, SCEDC, USGS, USP. [Default IRIS] -U USERAUTH, --User-Auth USERAUTH Enter your IRIS Authentification Username and Password (--User-Auth='username:authpassword') to access and download restricted data. [Default no user and password] Frequency Settings: Miscellaneous frequency settings --sampling-rate NEW_SAMPLING_RATE Specify new sampling rate (float, in Hz). [Default 5.] --units UNITS Choose the output seismogram units. Options are: 'DISP', 'VEL', 'ACC'. [Default 'DISP'] --pre-filt PRE_FILT Specify four comma-separated corner frequencies (float, in Hz) for deconvolution pre-filter. [Default 0.001,0.005,45.,50.] Time Search Settings: Time settings associated with searching for day-long seismograms --start STARTT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing the start day for the data search. This will override any station start times. [Default start date for each station in database] --end ENDT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing the start time for the event search. This will override any station end times [Default end date for each station in database] ``atacr_daily_spectra`` +++++++++++++++++++++++ Description ----------- Extracts two-hour-long windows from the day-long data, calculates power-spectral densities and flags windows for outlier from the PSD properties. Station selection is specified by a network and station code. The database is provided as a ``StDb`` dictionary. Usage ----- .. code-block:: $ atacr_daily_spectra -h usage: atacr_daily_spectra [options] Script used to extract shorter windows from the day-long seismograms, calculate the power-spectral properties, flag windows for outlier PSDs and calculate daily averages of the corresponding Fourier transforms. The stations are processed one by one and the data are stored to disk. The program will look for data saved in the previous steps and use all available components. positional arguments: indb Station Database to process from optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --keys STKEYS Specify a comma separated list of station keys for which to perform the analysis. These must be contained within the station database. Partial keys will be used to match against those in the dictionary. For instance, providing IU will match with all stations in the IU network. [Default processes all stations in the database] -O, --overwrite Force the overwriting of pre-existing data. [Default False] Time Search Settings: Time settings associated with searching for day-long seismograms --start STARTT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing the start day for the data search. This will override any station start times. [Default start date of each station in database] --end ENDT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing the start time for the data search. This will override any station end times. [Default end date of each station n database] Parameter Settings: Miscellaneous default values and settings --window WINDOW Specify window length in seconds. Default value is highly recommended. Program may not be stable for large deviations from default value. [Default 7200. (or 2 hours)] --overlap OVERLAP Specify fraction of overlap between windows. [Default 0.3 (or 30 percent)] --minwin MINWIN Specify minimum number of 'good' windows in any given day to continue with analysis. [Default 10] --freq-band PD Specify comma-separated frequency limits (float, in Hz) over which to calculate spectral features used in flagging the bad windows. [Default 0.004,2.0] --tolerance TOL Specify parameter for tolerance threshold. If spectrum > std*tol, window is flagged as bad. [Default 2.0] --alpha ALPHA Specify confidence level for f-test, for iterative flagging of windows. [Default 0.05, or 95 percent confidence] --raw Raw spectra will be used in calculating spectral features for flagging. [Default uses smoothed spectra] --no-rotation Do not rotate horizontal components to tilt direction. [Default calculates rotation] Figure Settings: Flags for plotting figures --figQC Plot Quality-Control figure. [Default does not plot figure] --debug Plot intermediate steps for debugging. [Default does not plot figure] --figAverage Plot daily average figure. [Default does not plot figure] --figCoh Plot Coherence and Phase figure. [Default does not plot figure] --save-fig Set this option if you wish to save the figure(s). [Default does not save figure] --format FORM Specify format of figure. Can be any one of the validmatplotlib formats: 'png', 'jpg', 'eps', 'pdf'. [Default 'png'] ``atacr_clean_spectra`` +++++++++++++++++++++++ Description ----------- Extracts daily spectra calculated from ``atacr_daily_spectra`` and flags days for which the daily averages are outliers from the PSD properties. Further averages the spectra over the whole period specified by ``--start`` and ``--end``. Station selection is specified by a network and station code. The database is provided as a ``StDb`` dictionary. Usage ----- .. code-block:: $ atacr_clean_spectra -h usage: atacr_clean_spectra [options] Script used to extract daily spectra calculated from `` and flag days for outlier PSDs and calculate spectral averages of the corresponding Fourier transforms over the entire time period specified. The stations are processed one by one and the data are stored to disk. positional arguments: indb Station Database to process from. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --keys STKEYS Specify a comma separated list of station keys for which to perform the analysis. These must be contained within the station database. Partial keys will be used to match against those in the dictionary. For instance, providing IU will match with all stations in the IU network. [Default processes all stations in the database] -O, --overwrite Force the overwriting of pre-existing data. [Default False] Time Search Settings: Time settings associated with searching for day-long seismograms --start STARTT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing the start day for the data search. This will override any station start times. [Default start date of each station in database] --end ENDT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing the start time for the data search. This will override any station end times. [Default end date of each station in database] Parameter Settings: Miscellaneous default values and settings --freq-band PD Specify comma-separated frequency limits (float, in Hz) over which to calculate spectral features used in flagging the days/windows. [Default 0.004,2.0] --tolerance TOL Specify parameter for tolerance threshold. If spectrum > std*tol, window is flagged as bad. [Default 1.5] --alpha ALPHA Confidence level for f-test, for iterative flagging of windows. [Default 0.05, or 95 percent confidence] Figure Settings: Flags for plotting figures --figQC Plot Quality-Control figure. [Default does not plot figure] --debug Plot intermediate steps for debugging. [Default does not plot figure] --figAverage Plot daily average figure. [Default does not plot figure] --figCoh Plot Coherence and Phase figure. [Default does not plot figure] --figCross Plot cross-spectra figure. [Default does not plot figure] --save-fig Set this option if you wish to save the figure(s). [Default does not save figure] --format FORM Specify format of figure. Can be any one of the validmatplotlib formats: 'png', 'jpg', 'eps', 'pdf'. [Default 'png'] ``atacr_transfer functions`` ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Description ----------- Calculates transfer functions using the noise windows flagged as *good*, for either a single day (from ``atacr_daily_spectra``) or for those averaged over several days (from ``atacr_clean_spectra``), if available. The transfer functions are stored to disk. Station selection is specified by a network and station code. The database is provided as a ``StDb`` dictionary. Usage ----- .. code-block:: $ atacr_transfer_functions -h usage: atacr_transfer_functions [options] Script used to calculate transfer functions between various components, to be used in cleaning vertical component of OBS data. The noise data can be those obtained from the daily spectra (i.e., from ``) or those obtained from the averaged noise spectra (i.e., from ``). Flags are available to specify the source of data to use as well as the time range over which to calculate the transfer functions. The stations are processed one by one and the data are stored to disk. positional arguments: indb Station Database to process from. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --keys STKEYS Specify a comma separated list of station keys for which to perform the analysis. These must be contained within the station database. Partial keys will be used to match against those in the dictionary. For instance, providing IU will match with all stations in the IU network. [Default processes all stations in the database] -O, --overwrite Force the overwriting of pre-existing data. [Default False] Time Search Settings: Time settings associated with searching for day-long seismograms --start STARTT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing the start day for the data search. This will override any station start times. [Default start date of each station in database] --end ENDT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing the start time for the data search. This will override any station end times. [Default end date of each station in database] Parameter Settings: Miscellaneous default values and settings --skip-daily Skip daily spectral averages in construction of transfer functions. [Default False] --skip-clean Skip cleaned spectral averages in construction of transfer functions. Defaults to True if data cannot be found in default directory. [Default False] Figure Settings: Flags for plotting figures --figTF Plot transfer function figure. [Default does not plot figure] --save-fig Set this option if you wish to save the figure(s). [Default does not save figure] --format FORM Specify format of figure. Can be any one of the validmatplotlib formats: 'png', 'jpg', 'eps', 'pdf'. [Default 'png'] ``atacr_download_event`` ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Description ----------- Downloads up to four-component (H1, H2, Z and P), two-hour-long seismograms for individual seismic events to use in noise corrections of vertical component data. Station selection is specified by a network and station code. The database is provided as a ``StDb`` dictionary. Usage ----- .. code-block:: $ atacr_download_event -h usage: atacr_download_event [options] Script used to download and pre-process four-component (H1, H2, Z and P), two- hour-long seismograms for individual events on which to apply the de-noising algorithms. Data are requested from the internet using the client services framework for a given date range. The stations are processed one by one and the data are stored to disk. positional arguments: indb Station Database to process from. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --keys STKEYS Specify a comma separated list of station keys for which to perform the analysis. These must be contained within the station database. Partial keys will be used to match against those in the dictionary. For instance, providing IU will match with all stations in the IU network [Default processes all stations in the database] -C CHANNELS, --channels CHANNELS Specify a comma-separated list of channels for which to perform the transfer function analysis. Possible options are '12' (for horizontal channels) or 'P' (for pressure channel). Specifying '12' allows for tilt correction. Specifying 'P' allows for compliance correction. [Default looks for both horizontal and pressure and allows for both tilt AND compliance corrections] -O, --overwrite Force the overwriting of pre-existing data. [Default False] Server Settings: Settings associated with which datacenter to log into. -S SERVER, --Server SERVER Specify the server to connect to. Options include: BGR, ETH, GEONET, GFZ, INGV, IPGP, IRIS, KOERI, LMU, NCEDC, NEIP, NERIES, ODC, ORFEUS, RESIF, SCEDC, USGS, USP. [Default IRIS] -U USERAUTH, --User-Auth USERAUTH Enter your IRIS Authentification Username and Password (--User-Auth='username:authpassword') to access and download restricted data. [Default no user and password] Frequency Settings: Miscellaneous frequency settings --sampling-rate NEW_SAMPLING_RATE Specify new sampling rate (float, in Hz). [Default 5.] --units UNITS Choose the output seismogram units. Options are: 'DISP', 'VEL', 'ACC'. [Default 'DISP'] --pre-filt PRE_FILT Specify four comma-separated corner frequencies (float, in Hz) for deconvolution pre-filter. [Default 0.001,0.005,45.,50.] Event Settings: Settings associated with refining the events to include in matching station pairs --start STARTT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing the start time for the event search. This will override any station start times. [Default start date of each station in database] --end ENDT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing the start time for the event search. This will override any station end times [Default end date of each station in database] --reverse-order, -R Reverse order of events. Default behaviour starts at oldest event and works towards most recent. Specify reverse order and instead the program will start with the most recent events and work towards older --min-mag MINMAG Specify the minimum magnitude of event for which to search. [Default 5.5] --max-mag MAXMAG Specify the maximum magnitude of event for which to search. [Default None, i.e. no limit] Geometry Settings: Settings associatd with the event-station geometries --min-dist MINDIST Specify the minimum great circle distance (degrees) between the station and event. [Default 30] --max-dist MAXDIST Specify the maximum great circle distance (degrees) between the station and event. [Default 120] ``atacr_correct_event`` +++++++++++++++++++++++ Description ----------- Loads the transfer functions previously calculated and performs the noise corrections, for either a single day (from ``atacr_daily_spectra``) or for those averaged over several days (from ``atacr_clean_spectra``), if available. The database is provided as a ``StDb`` dictionary. Usage ----- .. code-block:: $ atacr_correct_event -h usage: atacr_correct_event [options] Script used to extract transfer functions between various components, and use them to clean vertical component of OBS data for selected events. The noise data can be those obtained from the daily spectra (i.e., from ``) or those obtained from the averaged noise spectra (i.e., from ``). Flags are available to specify the source of data to use as well as the time range for given events. The stations are processed one by one and the data are stored to disk in a new 'CORRECTED' folder. positional arguments: indb Station Database to process from. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --keys STKEYS Specify a comma separated list of station keys for which to perform the analysis. These must be contained within the station database. Partial keys will be used to match against those in the dictionary. For instance, providing IU will match with all stations in the IU network. [Default processes all stations in the database] -O, --overwrite Force the overwriting of pre-existing data. [Default False] Time Search Settings: Time settings associated with searching for specific event-related seismograms --start STARTT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing the start day for the event search. This will override any station start times. [Default start date of each station in database] --end ENDT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing the start time for the event search. This will override any station end times. [Default end date of each station in database] Parameter Settings: Miscellaneous default values and settings --skip-daily Skip daily spectral averages in application of transfer functions. [Default False] --skip-clean Skip cleaned spectral averages in application of transfer functions. [Default False] --fmin FMIN Low frequency corner (in Hz) for plotting the raw (un- corrected) seismograms. Filter is a 2nd order, zero phase butterworth filter. [Default 1./150.] --fmax FMAX High frequency corner (in Hz) for plotting the raw (un- corrected) seismograms. Filter is a 2nd order, zero phase butterworth filter. [Default 1./10.] Figure Settings: Flags for plotting figures --figRaw Plot raw seismogram figure. [Default does not plot figure] --figClean Plot cleaned vertical seismogram figure. [Default does not plot figure] --save-fig Set this option if you wish to save the figure(s). [Default does not save figure] --format FORM Specify format of figure. Can be any one of the validmatplotlib formats: 'png', 'jpg', 'eps', 'pdf'. [Default 'png'] Tutorial ******** .. note:: Here we roughly follow the steps highlighted in the `Matlab tutorial `_ for this code and reproduce the various figures. The examples provided below are for one month of data (March 2012) recorded at station M08A of the Cascadia Initiative Experiment. Corrections are applied to a magnitude 6.6 earthquake that occurred near Vanuatu on March 9, 2012. 0. Creating the ``StDb`` Database +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All the scripts provided require a ``StDb`` database containing station information and metadata. Let's first create this database for station M08A and send the prompt to a logfile .. code-block:: $ query_fdsn_stdb -N 7D -C ?H? -S M08A M08A > logfile .. note:: If you are using a *Z shell* (as opposed to a *Bourne Shell* or other types of shells) on the terminal, this command above will fail due to the presence of the question marks for pattern matching. To find out, just type `ps -p $$`, which will return `zsh` under the `CMD` field if you are using a Z shell. In this case, just enclose the `?H?` in single or double quotes (e.g., ` -N 7D -C "?H?" -S M08A M08A > logfile`) To check the station info for M08A, use the program ``ls_stdb``: .. code-block:: $ ls_stdb M08A.pkl Listing Station Pickle: M08A.pkl 7D.M08A -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) 7D.M08A Station: 7D M08A Alternate Networks: None Channel: BH ; Location: -- Lon, Lat, Elev: 44.11870, -124.89530, -0.126 StartTime: 2011-10-20 00:00:00 EndTime: 2012-07-18 23:59:59 Status: open Polarity: 1 Azimuth Correction: 0.000000 1. Download noise data ++++++++++++++++++++++ We wish to download one month of data for the station M08A for March 2012. The various options above allow us to select the additional channels to use (e.g., ``-C 12,P`` for both horizontal and pressure data - which is the default setting). Default frequency settings for data pre-processing match those of the Matlab ``ATaCR`` software and can therefore be ignored when calling the program. Since the file ``M08A.pkl`` contains only one station, it is not necessary to specify a key. This option would be useful if the database contained several stations and we were only interested in downloading data for M08A. In this case, we would specify ``--keys=M08A`` or ``--keys=7D.M08A``. The only required options at this point are the ``--start`` and ``--end`` options to specify the dates for which data will be downloaded. If you change your mind about the pre-processing options, you can always re-run the following line with the option ``-O``, which will overwrite the data saved to disk. To download all broadband seismic and pressure data, simply type in a terminal: .. code-block:: $ atacr_download_data --start=2012-03-01 --end=2012-04-01 M08A.pkl An example log printed on the terminal will look like: .. code-block:: Path to DATA/7D.M08A/ doesn`t exist - creating it |===============================================| |===============================================| | M08A | |===============================================| |===============================================| | Station: 7D.M08A | | Channel: BH; Locations: -- | | Lon: -124.90; Lat: 44.12 | | Start time: 2011-10-20 | | End time: 2012-07-18 | |-----------------------------------------------| | Searching day-long files: | | Start: 2012-03-01 | | End: 2012-04-01 | *********************************************************** * Downloading day-long data for key 7D.M08A and day 2012.61 * * Channels selected: ['12', 'P'] and vertical * 2012.061.*SAC * -> Downloading Seismic data... * ...done * -> Downloading Pressure data... * ...done * -> Removing responses - Seismic data WARNING: FIR normalized: sum[coef]=9.767192E-01; WARNING: FIR normalized: sum[coef]=9.767192E-01; WARNING: FIR normalized: sum[coef]=9.767192E-01; * -> Removing responses - Pressure data WARNING: FIR normalized: sum[coef]=9.767192E-01; *********************************************************** * Downloading day-long data for key 7D.M08A and day 2012.62 * * Channels selected: ['12', 'P'] and vertical * 2012.062.*SAC * -> Downloading Seismic data... ... And so on until all day-long files have been downloaded. You will notice that a folder called ``DATA/7D.M08A/`` has been created. This is where all day-long files will be stored on disk. 2. QC for daily spectral averages +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For this step, there are several Parameter Settings that can be tuned. Once again, the default values are the ones used to reproduce the results of the Matlab ATaCR software and can be left un-changed. The Time Search Settings can be used to look at a subset of the available day-long data files. Here these options can be ignored since we wish to look at all the availble data that we just downloaded. We can therefore type in a terminal: .. code-block:: $ atacr_daily_spectra M08A.pkl Path to SPECTRA/7D.M08A/ doesn`t exist - creating it |===============================================| |===============================================| | M08A | |===============================================| |===============================================| | Station: 7D.M08A | | Channel: BH; Locations: -- | | Lon: -124.90; Lat: 44.12 | | Start time: 2011-10-20 00:00:00 | | End time: 2012-07-18 23:59:59 | |-----------------------------------------------| ********************************************************************** * Calculating noise spectra for key 7D.M08A and day 2012.061 * 12 good windows. Proceeding... ********************************************************************** * Calculating noise spectra for key 7D.M08A and day 2012.062 * 14 good windows. Proceeding... ********************************************************************** * Calculating noise spectra for key 7D.M08A and day 2012.063 * 16 good windows. Proceeding... ... And so on until all available data have been processed. The software stores the ``obstools.atacr.classes.DayNoise`` objects to a newly created folder called ``SPECTRA/7D.M08A/``. To produce figures for visualization, we can re-run the above script but now use the plotting options to look at one day of the month (March 04, 2012). In this case we need to overwrite the previous results (option ``-O``) and specify the date of interest: .. code-block:: $ atacr_daily_spectra -O --figQC --figAverage --start=2012-03-04 --end=2012-03-05 M08A.pkl > logfile The script will produce several figures, including Figures 2 and 3 (separated into 3a and 3b below). Several intermediate steps are also produces, which show all the raw data and the window classification into good and bad windows for subsequent analysis. .. figure:: ../obstools/examples/figures/Figure_2.png :align: center Figure 2: Daily spectrogram for the vertical (Z), horizontals (H1, H2), and pressure (P) components. .. figure:: ../obstools/examples/figures/Figure_3a.png :align: center Figure 3a: Power spectral density (PSD) functions for the Z, H1, H2, and P compo- nents from a single day of data (M08A, March 4, 2012, same as in Figure 2). The left column shows PSDs for each individual window; PSDs from windows that did not pass the quality control are colored red. .. figure:: ../obstools/examples/figures/Figure_3b.png :align: center Figure 3b: Daily average PSD of bad (red) and good (black) windows. 3. QC for clean station averages ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now that we have processed daily spectra for all available components, it is possible to further average the spectra over multiple days to produce a cleaned station average. It is still possible to specify a date range over which to average the spectra, thus giving flexibility in the production of the station averages. Parameter settings are similar to those used in ``atacr_daily_spectra`` but further include the option of plotting the averaged cross-spectral properties. To calculate a single station average for the entire month of March 2012 (and therefore using all available data) and plot the results, we can type in a terminal: .. code-block:: $ atacr_clean_spectra --figQC --figAverage --figCoh --figCross M08A.pkl Path to AVG_STA/7D.M08A/ doesn`t exist - creating it |===============================================| |===============================================| | M08A | |===============================================| |===============================================| | Station: 7D.M08A | | Channel: BH; Locations: -- | | Lon: -124.90; Lat: 44.12 | | Start time: 2011-10-20 00:00:00 | | End time: 2012-07-18 23:59:59 | |-----------------------------------------------| ********************************************************************** * Calculating noise spectra for key 7D.M08A and day 2012.061 * -> file SPECTRA/7D.M08A/2012.061.spectra.pkl found - loading ********************************************************************** * Calculating noise spectra for key 7D.M08A and day 2012.062 * -> file SPECTRA/7D.M08A/2012.062.spectra.pkl found - loading ... And so on until all ``DayNoise`` objects are averaged into a ``StaNoise`` object, which is saved to a newly created folder called ``AVG_STA/7D.M08A/``. .. note :: If you don't specify the options ``--start`` and ``--end``, the object will be saved with a filename that corresponds to the entire deployment time of the station, but in fact the object contains the average spectra of all daily spectra available on disk, and *not necessarily* the average over the entire deployment time. We recommend using the ``--start`` and ``--end`` options if you want to produce time-limited spectral averages (e.g., an average per week or per month, etc.). For example: .. code-block:: $ atacr_clean_spectra --start=2012-03-01 --end=2012-03-08 -O M08A.pkl Several figures are also produced, including Figures 4, 6-9. .. figure:: ../obstools/examples/figures/Figure_4.png :align: center Figure 4: The orientation of maximum coherence between the vertical and the two horizontal components for M08A during March 2012. (Left) Coherence as a function of angle from the H1 component. (Right) Phase as a function of the angle. In this example, the coherence is low indicating the absence of dominant, uni-directional tilt noise. .. figure:: ../obstools/examples/figures/Figure_6.png :align: center Figure 6: The daily PSDs plotted for the vertical (Z), horizontal (H1, H2), and pressure (P) components for March 2012 at station M08A. Each line is a daily PSD. Gray colors indicate days that were accepted by the second quality control step, while the red colors indicate days that were discarded. .. figure:: ../obstools/examples/figures/Figure_7.png :align: center Figure 7: The daily coherences between pairs of components as indicated above each subplot for March 2012 at station M08A (e.g. 1Z - coherence between Horizontal 1 and Vertical). Each line represents average coherence for a single day in the data set. Gray colors indicate days that were accepted by the second quality control step, while the red colors indicate days that were discarded. Note that some definitions are different (e.g., ``ZP`` vs ``PZ``) than those used in the Matlab Tutorial. .. figure:: ../obstools/examples/figures/Figure_8.png :align: center Figure 8: The daily admittances between pairs of components as indicated above (see Figure 7) each subplot for March 2012 at station M08A. Each line is a daily admittance. Gray colors indicate days that were accepted by the second quality control step, while the red colors indicate days that were discarded. Note that some definitions are different (e.g., ``ZP`` vs ``PZ``) than those used in the Matlab Tutorial. .. figure:: ../obstools/examples/figures/Figure_9.png :align: center Figure 9: The daily phases between pairs of components as indicated above (see Figure 7) each subplot for March 2012 at station M08A. Each line is a daily phase. Gray colors indicate days that were accepted by the second quality control step, while the red colors indicate days that were discarded. Note that some definitions are different (e.g., ``ZP`` vs ``PZ``) than those used in the Matlab Tutorial. 4. Transfer function calculation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Once the ``StaNoise`` objects have been produced and saved to disk, the transfer functions across all available components can be calculated. By default the software will calculate the ones for which the spectral averages are available. For compliance only (i.e., only ``?HZ`` and ``?DH?`` components are available), the only transfer function possible is: - ``ZP`` For tilt only (i.e., all of ``?HZ,1,2`` components are available, but not ``?DH``), the transfer functions are: - ``Z1`` - ``Z2-1`` For both tilt and compliance (i.e., all four components are available), the following transfer functions are possible: - ``Z1`` - ``Z2-1`` - ``ZP`` - ``ZP-21`` If you are using a ``DayNoise`` object to calculate the transfer functions, the following may also be possible (if all components are available): - ``ZH`` - ``ZP-H`` In this example we calculate all available transfer functions for all available data. In this case we do not need to specify any option and type in a terminal: .. code-block:: $ atacr_transfer_functions M08A.pkl Path to TF_STA/7D.M08A/ doesn't exist - creating it |===============================================| |===============================================| | M08A | |===============================================| |===============================================| | Station: 7D.M08A | | Channel: BH; Locations: -- | | Lon: -124.90; Lat: 44.12 | | Start time: 2011-10-20 00:00:00 | | End time: 2012-07-18 23:59:59 | |-----------------------------------------------| ********************************************************************** * Calculating transfer functions for key 7D.M08A and day 2012.088 ********************************************************************** * Calculating transfer functions for key 7D.M08A and day 2012.075 ... ********************************************************************** * Calculating transfer functions for key 7D.M08A and range 2011.293-2012.200. Note how the ``DayNoise`` objects are read randomly from disk, followed by the ``StaNoise`` object. The result is a ``TFNoise`` object that is saved to a newly created folder called ``TF_STA/7D.M08A/``. We can produce Figure 10 by re-running the previous command with the options ``-O --figTF``. .. figure:: ../obstools/examples/figures/Figure_10.png :align: center Figure 10: Transfer function amplitudes for the component combinations of interest, as indicated in the title of each subplot. This example is for the month of March 2012 for station M08A. The daily transfer functions are shown in grey and the average calculated for the whole month is shown in black. 5. Download earthquake data +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now we need to download the earthquake data, for which we wish to clean the vertical component using the transfer functions just calculated. This script ``atacr_download_event`` is very similar to ``atacr_download_data``, with the addition of the Event and Geometry Settings. .. warning:: Be careful with the Frequency Settings, as these values need to be exactly the same as those used in ``atacr_download_data``, but won't be checked against. To download the seismograms that recorded the March 9, 2012, magnitude 6.6 Vanuatu earthquake (be conservative with the options), type in a terminal: .. code-block:: $ atacr_download_event --min-mag=6.3 --max-mag=6.7 --start=2012-03-08 --end=2012-03-10 M08A.pkl Path to EVENTS/7D.M08A/ doesn`t exist - creating it |===============================================| |===============================================| | M08A | |===============================================| |===============================================| | Station: 7D.M08A | | Channel: BH; Locations: -- | | Lon: -124.90; Lat: 44.12 | | Start time: 2011-10-20 00:00:00 | | End time: 2012-07-18 23:59:59 | |-----------------------------------------------| | Searching Possible events: | | Start: 2012-03-08 00:00:00 | | End: 2012-03-10 00:00:00 | | Mag: 6.3 - 6.7 | | ... | | Found 1 possible events | **************************************************** * (1/1): 20120309_070953 * Origin Time: 2012-03-09 07:09:53 * Lat: -19.22; Lon: 169.75 * Dep: 33.70; Mag: 6.6 * M08A -> Ev: 9651.91 km; 86.80 deg; 239.43; 40.95 * Channels selected: ['12', 'P'] and vertical * 2012.069.07.09 * -> Downloading Seismic data... * ...done * -> Downloading Pressure data... ...done * -> Removing responses - Seismic data WARNING: FIR normalized: sum[coef]=9.767192E-01; WARNING: FIR normalized: sum[coef]=9.767192E-01; WARNING: FIR normalized: sum[coef]=9.767192E-01; * -> Removing responses - Pressure data WARNING: FIR normalized: sum[coef]=9.767192E-01; The data are stored as an ``EventStream`` object, saved to disk in the newly created folder ``EVENTS/7D.M08A/``. 6. Correct/clean earthquake data ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The final step in the analysis is the application of the transfer functions to the raw earthquake seismograms to clean up the vertical component. Once again, the default settings can be used. The corrected seismograms will be saved to disk in a new folder called ``EVENTS/7D.M08A/CORRECTED``. To make the final Figures 11 and 12, specify the ``--figRaw`` and ``--figClean`` options: .. code-block:: $ atacr_correct_event --figRaw --figClean M08A.pkl |===============================================| |===============================================| | M08A | |===============================================| |===============================================| | Station: 7D.M08A | | Channel: BH; Locations: -- | | Lon: -124.90; Lat: 44.12 | | Start time: 2011-10-20 00:00:00 | | End time: 2012-07-18 23:59:59 | |-----------------------------------------------| TF_STA/7D.M08A/2011.293-2012.200.transfunc.pkl file found - applying transfer functions TF_STA/7D.M08A/2012.069.transfunc.pkl file found - applying transfer functions Results are saved both as updated ``EventStream`` objects and as ``.SAC`` files that now contain the corrected vertical components. .. note:: The ``EventStream`` object contains the corrected traces in the attribute ``correct``, which is a dictionary. If you wish to extract the corrected vertical seismogram obtained from the ``ZP`` transfer function, with a corresponding key ``'ZP'``, you can do this by loading the ``.pkl`` file and typing: .. code-block:: >>> # First load the EventStream object >>> import pickle as pkl >>> evstream = pkl.load(open('2012.069.transfunc.pkl', 'rb')) >>> # Extract the 'ZP' corrected seismogram >>> corrected = evstream.correct['ZP'] You can check which transfer functions should be available based on the number of components in the ``EventStream`` object from the attribute: .. code-block:: >>> print(evstream.ev_list) Note that the corrected seismogram will only be available if the corresponding transfer function has been calculated previously and applied during the correction. Figures 11 and 12 should look like: .. figure:: ../obstools/examples/figures/Figure_11.png :align: center Figure 11: Event time series for the vertical (Z), horizontal 1 (H1), horizontal 2 (H2), and pressure (P) components. No corrections have been applied. The data is for station M08A for the Mw 6.6 earthquake that occurred near Vanuatu on March 9, 2012 and has been bandpass filtered from 10 - 150 s. .. figure:: ../obstools/examples/figures/Figure_12a.png :align: center Figure 12a: Event time series for the vertical (Z) components after each of the transfer functions of interest have been applied. The corrections are specified in the titles of each subplot. The data is for station M08A for the Mw 6.6 earthquake that occurred near Vanuatu on March 9, 2012 (same as Figure 11) and has been bandpass filtered from 10 - 150 s. Traces in grey show the original (raw, un-corrected) vertical component. .. figure:: ../obstools/examples/figures/Figure_12b.png :align: center Figure 12b: Same as Figure 12a but using the station averaged transfer functions. In this case the ``ZH`` and ``ZP-H`` transfer functions are not available.