Comply ====== Introduction ************ ``comply`` is a module for the calculation of compliance and coherence functions from OBS stations. These functions can be used to retrieve shear-wave velocity structure in the shallow subsurface. The compliance and coherence functions use either :class:`~obstools.atacr.classes.DayNoise` or :class:`~obstools.atacr.classes.StaNoise` objects as input. If horizontal components are available in these objects, tilt is removed prior to compliance and coherence calculations. For more details on the theory and applications, we refer the interested reader to the following papers: - Crawford, W.C., S. Webb, S.C, and Hildebrand, J. (1991). Sea-floor compliance observed by long-period pressure and displacement measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 96(B10), 16,151–16,160. - Doran, A., and Laske, G. (2019). Seismic structure of marine sediments and upper oceanic crust surrounding Hawaii, J. Geophys. Res., 124, 2038-2056, - Zha, Y., and Webb, S.C. (2016). Crustal shear velocity structure in the Southern Lau Basin constrained by seafloor compliance, J. Geophys. Res., 121, 3220-3237, Compliance ********** Compliance is defined as the spectral ratio between pressure and vertical displacement data. Compliance arises from vertical seafloor deformation due to infragravity wave effects, which propagate through the deep oceans with periods longer than 30 seconds. The normalized compliance :math:`\eta(\omega)` is defined as .. math:: \eta(\omega) = k(\omega)\frac{u_z(\omega)}{p(\omega)} where :math:`\omega` is the angular frequency, :math:`k` is the wavenumber, :math:`u_z` is the vertical displacement spectrum and :math:`p` is the pressure spectrum. The wavenumber :math:`k` is obtained by solving the dispersion relation .. math:: \omega = gk(\omega)\tanh(k(\omega)H) where :math:`g` is the gravitational acceleration and :math:`H` is the seafloor depth (positive downward). Tilting of the OBS sensor due to seafloor currents can obfuscate the coherence between vertical and pressure components in the infra-gravity band. Tilt noise is therefore removed from the vertical component data prior to calculating compliance. API documentation ***************** :mod:`~obstools.comply` defines the following class: - :class:`~obstools.comply.classes.Comply` The class :class:`~obstools.comply.classes.Comply` contains attributes and methods for the calculation of the compliance and coherence functions from noise traces. A ``Comply`` object works with either one of :class:`~obstools.atacr.classes.DayNoise` and :class:`~obstools.atacr.classes.StaNoise` objects to calculate all possible compliance and coherence functions across all available components. These transfer functions are saved as attributes of the object in a Dictionary. .. note:: In the examples below, the SAC data were obtained and pre-processed using the accompanying scripts ``atacr_download_data``. See the script and tutorial for details. .. autoclass:: obstools.comply.classes.Comply :members: Scripts ******* There is only one Python scripts that accompanies ``~obstools.comply``. This script can be used in bash scripts to automate data processing. Please see the :mod:`~obstools.atacr` module and scripts to prepare the data for use in the following script. ``comply_calculate`` ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Description ----------- Calculates compliance and coherence functions using the noise windows flagged as *good*, for either a single day (from ``atacr_daily_spectra``) or for those averaged over several days (from ``atacr_clean_spectra``), if available. The transfer functions are stored to disk. Station selection is specified by a network and station code. The database is provided as a ``StDb`` dictionary. Usage ----- .. code-block:: $ comply_calculate -h usage: comply_calculate [options] Script used to calculate compliance functions between various components. The noise data can be those obtained from the daily spectra (i.e., from `atacr_daily_spectra`) or those obtained from the averaged noise spectra (i.e., from `atacr_clean_spectra`). Flags are available to specify the source of data to use as well as the time range over which to calculate the transfer functions. The stations are processed one by one and the data are stored to disk. positional arguments: indb Station Database to process from. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --keys STKEYS Specify a comma separated list of station keys for which to perform the analysis. These must be contained within the station database. Partial keys will be used to match against those in the dictionary. For instance, providing IU will match with all stations in the IU network. [Default processes all stations in the database] -O, --overwrite Force the overwriting of pre-existing data. [Default False] --save-format SAVEFORMAT Specify the format of the output files. Options are: 'pkl' or 'csv'. [Default 'pkl'] Time Search Settings: Time settings associated with searching for day-long seismograms --start STARTT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing the start day for the data search. This will override any station start times. [Default start date of each station in database] --end ENDT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing the start time for the data search. This will override any station end times. [Default end date of each station in database] Parameter Settings: Miscellaneous default values and settings --skip-daily Skip daily spectral averages in construction of compliance and coherence functions. [Default False] --skip-clean Skip cleaned spectral averages in construction of compliance and coherence functions. Defaults to True if data cannot be found in default directory. [Default False] Figure Settings: Flags for plotting figures --fig Plot compliance and coherence functions figure. [Default does not plot figure] --save-fig Set this option if you wish to save the figure(s). [Default does not save figure] --format FORM Specify format of figure. Can be any one of the validmatplotlib formats: 'png', 'jpg', 'eps', 'pdf'. [Default 'png'] Tutorial ******** .. note:: Here we build on the steps already carried out in the ``ATaCR`` tutorial. Specifically, steps ``0`` through ``3`` should be done prior to performing the following step. Compliance calculation ++++++++++++++++++++++ Once the ``StaNoise`` objects have been produced and saved to disk, the compliance and coherence functions across all available components can be calculated. By default the software will calculate the ones for which the spectral averages are available. If no horizontal components are available (i.e., only ``?HZ`` and ``?DH?`` components are available), the only compliance function possible is: - ``ZP`` If horizontal components are available, the following compliance functions are possible: - ``ZP`` - ``ZP-21`` If you are using a ``DayNoise`` object to calculate the compliance functions, the following may also be possible (if all components are available): - ``ZP-H`` In this example we calculate all available compliance functions for all available data. In this case we do not need to specify any option and type in a terminal: .. code-block:: $ comply_calculate M08A.pkl Path to COMPL_STA/7D.M08A doesn't exist - creating it |===============================================| |===============================================| | M08A | |===============================================| |===============================================| | Station: 7D.M08A | | Channel: BH; Locations: -- | | Lon: -124.90; Lat: 44.12 | | Start time: 2011-10-20 00:00:00 | | End time: 2012-07-18 23:59:59 | |-----------------------------------------------| ************************************************************ * Calculating compliance functions for key 7D.M08A and day 2012.069 ************************************************************ * Calculating compliance functions for key 7D.M08A and day 2012.088 ... ********************************************************************** * Calculating compliance functions for key 7D.M08A and range 2011.293-2012.200. Note how the ``DayNoise`` objects are read randomly from disk, followed by the ``StaNoise`` object. The result is a ``Comply`` object that is saved to a newly created folder called ``COMP_STA/7D.M08A/``. Once the objects are saved to file, you should use the option ``-O`` to overwrite any file on disk. We can produce a Figure by re-running the previous command with the options ``--fig``. We also specify the low-frequency limit to be 0.02 Hz with the option ``--f0=0.02``, which we select based on the observed non-physical kink in the compliance curves (you can see it by ignoring the argument ``--f0``) .. figure:: ../obstools/examples/figures/Figure_comply.png :align: center Figure 1: Coherence and compliance functions for the component combinations of interest, as indicated in the title of each subplot. This example is for the month of March 2012 for station M08A. The QC'ed daily compliance functions are shown in grey. The QC'ed stations average calculated for the whole month is shown in black. Note that *all* daily compliance functions are calculated and displayed, even those that did not pass the QC threshold for the station average.