
The program orientpy is meant to be run using command-line scripts that are described below. These can be used in bash scripts to automate data processing. These scripts use classes defined in orientpy to process single-station and single-event seismograms, which are then aggregated to generate a single estimate of station orientation per method. There are three methods with accompanying scripts that can be used to determine station orientation, which are described below. All of them use a station database provided as a StDb dictionary.




Downloads three-component seismograms based on a catalogue of earthquakes and performs automated estimation of P-wave polarization. Station selection is specified by a network and station code. The database is provided as a StDb dictionary. This method can be used with teleseismic P-wave data or regional earthquake data, by specifying the appropriate options accordingly. Each usable station-event seismograms are used to calculate an estimate of station orientation. For each estimate, a number of quality-control parameters are calculated to help in the aggregation to produce a final estimate of station orientation.

This automated method will use the same processing parameters for all waveforms (e.g., time window around predicted P-wave arrival, bandpass frequencies, etc.). Because the properties of individual seismograms can vary widely for different earthquakes, a different script can be used in manual (interactive) mode to improve the quality of the estimates (see below).


$ bng_calc_auto -h
usage: bng_calc_auto [arguments] <Station Database>

Program to compute the orientation of the components of a station based on
those in a station database.

positional arguments:
  indb                  Station Database to process from.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERB, --verbose VERB
                        Enable Level of verbose output during processing. (0)
                        No Output; (1) Output Event Analysis counter; (2)
                        Counter and results. Default 2
  -O, --overwrite       Overwrite existing data on disk. [Default False]
  --save-location SAVELOC
                        Specify Save destination. Default is BNG_RESULTS (and
                        sub-directories based on Station Name).
  --no-save-progress    Do not save progress during processing.

Local Data Settings:
  Settings associated with defining and using a local data base of pre-
  downloaded day-long SAC files.

  --local-data LOCALDATA
                        Specify a comma separated list of paths containing
                        day-long sac files of data already downloaded. If data
                        exists for a seismogram is already present on disk, it
                        is selected preferentially over downloading the data
                        using the Client interface
  --no-data-zero        Specify to force missing data to be set as zero,
                        rather than default behaviour. [Default sets to nan]
  --no-local-net        Specify to prevent using the Network code in the
                        search for local data (sometimes for CN stations the
                        dictionary name for a station may disagree with that
                        in the filename. [Default Network used]

Server Settings:
  Settings associated with which datacenter to log into.

  --catalogue-source CAT_CLIENT
                        Specify the server to connect to for the event
                        catalogue. Options include: BGR, ETH, GEONET, GFZ,
                        INGV, IPGP, IRIS, KOERI, LMU, NCEDC, NEIP, NERIES,
                        ODC, ORFEUS, RESIF, SCEDC, USGS, USP. [Default IRIS]
  --waveform-source WF_CLIENT
                        Specify the server to connect to for the waveform
                        data. Options include: BGR, ETH, GEONET, GFZ, INGV,
                        IPGP, IRIS, KOERI, LMU, NCEDC, NEIP, NERIES, ODC,
                        ORFEUS, RESIF, SCEDC, USGS, USP. [Default IRIS]
                        Enter your Authentification Username and Password for
                        the waveform server (--User-
                        Auth='username:authpassword') to access and download
                        restricted data. [Default no user and password]

Station Selection Parameters:
  Parameters to select a specific station.

  --keys STKEYS         Specify list of Station Keys in the database to
  -c NAMECONV, --coord-system NAMECONV
                        Coordinate system specification of instrument. (0)
                        Attempt Autodetect between 1 and 2; (1) HZ, HN, HE;
                        (2) Left Handed: HZ, H2 90 CW H1; (3) Right Handed:
                        HZ, H2 90 CCW H1. [Default 2]

Timing Parameters:
  Parameters associated with event timing and window length.

  --start STARTT        Enter Start date for event catalogue search. Note,
                        more recent of this value or station start date will
                        be used.
  --end ENDT            Enter End date for event catalogue search. Note, less
                        recent of this or the station end date will be used.
  --window WLEN         Enter length of time window following P arrival time
                        in seconds. [Default 15.]
  --times TT            Enter window start and end times relative to predicted
                        P arrival time in seconds. Negative values imply start
                        of window before P wave arrival. [Default -2., 5.]

Earthquake Selection Criteria:
  Parameters associated with selecing the subset of earthquakes to use in

  --min-mag MINMAG      Specify the minimum magnitude of Earthquakes to use in
                        the catalogue search. [Default 5.5]
  --max-mag MAXMAG      Specify the maximum magnitude of Earthquakes to use in
                        the catalogue search. [Default 9.]
  --min-dist MINDIST    Specify the minimum earthquake distance (in degrees).
                        [Default 5.]
  --max-dist MAXDIST    Specify the maximum earthquake distance (in degrees).
                        [Default 175.]
  --max-dep MAXDEP      Specify maximum Earthquake Depth (km). [Default no
  --discard-catalogue   Specify to discard the eq catalogue after processing.

Processing Parameters:
  Parameters associated with BNG processing.

  --new-sampling-rate NEW_SR
                        Specify new sampling rate in Hz. [Default no
  --dphi DPHI           Specify angle interval for search, in degrees.
                        [Default 0.1]
  --bp BP               Specify corner frequencies in Hz as a list of two
                        floats. [Default 0.7,5.0]
  --plot                Show processing step including raw and rotated
                        waveforms. [Default doesn't show plot]



Collects the estimated azimuths previously calculated and calculates the mean value after some quality control thresholding based on the rotated waveforms. The error is obtained from a bootstrap analysis of robust estimates.


$ bng_average -h
usage: bng_average [arguments] <Station Database>

Program to average the orientations of the seismometer in a station database.

positional arguments:
  indb                  Station Database to process from.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERB, --verbose VERB
                        Enable Level of verbose output during processing. (0)
                        No Output; (1) Output Event Analysis counter; (2)
                        Counter and results. Default 2
  --load-location LOADLOC
                        Specify Load destination. Default is BNG_RESULTS (and
                        sub-directories based on Station Name).
  --plot                Plot results at end (Default False)
  --save                Set this option if you wish to save the figure.
                        [Default does not save figure]
  --format FMT          Specify format of figure. Can be any one of the
                        validmatplotlib formats: 'png', 'jpg', 'eps', 'pdf'.
                        [Default 'png']

Station Selection Parameters:
  Parameters to select a specific station.

  --keys STKEYS         Specify list of Station Keys in the database to

Quality control parameters:
  Quality control parameters on the estimates for calculating the average.

  --cc CC               Threshold for cross-correlation betwen vertical and
                        radial components. [Default 0.5]
  --snr SNR             Threshold for signal-to-noise ratio on vertical
                        component, in dB. [Default 5.]
  --TR TR               Threshold for transverse to radial ratio (1 - T/R).
                        [Default 0.5]
  --RZ RZ               Threshold for radial to vertical ratio (1 - R/Z).
                        [Default -1.]




Downloads three-component seismograms based on a catalogue of earthquakes and performs automated estimation of Rayleigh-wave polarization at a number of periods and for the direct and complementary globe-encircling path. Station selection is specified by a network and station code. The database is provided as a StDb dictionary. Each usable station-event seismograms are used to calculate an estimate of station orientation. For each estimate, the cross-correlation between the radial and Hilbert-transformed vertical components is calculated and is used later in selecting which estimates are used in the final estimate of station orientation.


$ dl_calc -h
usage: dl_calc [arguments] <Station Database>

Program to compute the orientation of the components of a station based on
those in a station database.

positional arguments:
  indb                  Station Database to process from.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERB, --verbose VERB
                        Enable Level of verbose output during processing. (0)
                        No Output; (1) Output Event Analysis counter; (2)
                        Counter and results. Default 2
  -O, --overwrite       Overwrite existing data on disk. [Default False]
  --save-location SAVELOC
                        Specify Save destination. [Default is DL_RESULTS (and
                        sub-directories based on Station Name)]
  --no-save-progress    Do not save progress during processing.

Local Data Settings:
  Settings associated with defining and using a local data base of pre-
  downloaded day-long SAC files.

  --local-data LOCALDATA
                        Specify a comma separated list of paths containing
                        day-long sac files of data already downloaded. If data
                        exists for a seismogram is already present on disk, it
                        is selected preferentially over downloading the data
                        using the Client interface
  --no-data-zero        Specify to force missing data to be set as zero,
                        rather than default behaviour. [Default sets to nan]
  --no-local-net        Specify to prevent using the Network code in the
                        search for local data (sometimes for CN stations the
                        dictionary name for a station may disagree with that
                        in the filename. [Default Network used]

Server Settings:
  Settings associated with which datacenter to log into.

  --catalogue-source CAT_CLIENT
                        Specify the server to connect to for the event
                        catalogue. Options include: BGR, ETH, GEONET, GFZ,
                        INGV, IPGP, IRIS, KOERI, LMU, NCEDC, NEIP, NERIES,
                        ODC, ORFEUS, RESIF, SCEDC, USGS, USP. [Default IRIS]
  --waveform-source WF_CLIENT
                        Specify the server to connect to for the waveform
                        data. Options include: BGR, ETH, GEONET, GFZ, INGV,
                        IPGP, IRIS, KOERI, LMU, NCEDC, NEIP, NERIES, ODC,
                        ORFEUS, RESIF, SCEDC, USGS, USP. [Default IRIS]
                        Enter your Authentification Username and Password for
                        the waveform server (--User-
                        Auth='username:authpassword') to access and download
                        restricted data. [Default no user and password]

Station Selection Parameters:
  Parameters to select a specific station.

  --keys STKEYS         Specify list of Station Keys in the database to
  -c NAMECONV, --coord-system NAMECONV
                        Coordinate system specification of instrument. (0)
                        Attempt Autodetect between 1 and 2; (1) HZ, HN, HE;
                        (2) Left Handed: HZ, H2 90 CW H1; (3) Right Handed:
                        HZ, H2 90 CCW H1. [Default 2]

Timing Parameters:
  Parameters associated with event timing and window length.

  --start STARTT        Enter Start date for event catalogue search. Note,
                        more recent of this value or station start date will
                        be used.
  --end ENDT            Enter End date for event catalogue search. Note, less
                        recent of this or the station end date will be used.
  --window TWIN         Enter time window length in days. A non-zero value
                        will cause the results to repeat for each set of twin
                        days in the operating window, calculating the change
                        in orientation over time. [Default 0]

Earthquake Selection Criteria:
  Parameters associated with selecing the subset of earthquakes to use in

  --min-mag MINMAG      Specify the minimum magnitude of Earthquakes to use in
                        the catalogue search. [Default 5.5]
  --min-dist MINDIST    Specify the minimum earthquake distance (in degrees).
                        [Default 5.]
  --max-dist MAXDIST    Specify the maximum earthquake distance (in degrees).
                        [Default 175.]
  --max-dep MAXDEP      Specify maximum Earthquake Depth (km). [Default 150.]
  --discard-catalogue   Specify to discard the eq catalogue after processing.



Collects the estimated azimuths previously calculated and calculates the mean value after some quality control thresholding based on the rotated waveforms. The error is obtained from a bootstrap analysis of robust estimates.


$ dl_average -h
usage: dl_average [arguments] <Station Database>

Program to average the orientations of the seismometer in a station database.

positional arguments:
  indb                  Station Database to process from.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERB, --verbose VERB
                        Enable Level of verbose output during processing. (0)
                        No Output; (1) Output Event Analysis counter; (2)
                        Counter and results. Default 2
  --load-location LOADLOC
                        Specify Load destination. [Default is DL_RESULTS (and
                        sub-directories based on Station Name)]
  --plot                Plot results at end [Default False]
  --save                Set this option if you wish to save the figure.
                        [Default does not save figure]
  --format FMT          Specify format of figure. Can be any one of the
                        validmatplotlib formats: 'png', 'jpg', 'eps', 'pdf'.
                        [Default 'png']
  --cc CC               Cross-correlation threshold for final estimate.
                        [Default 0.8]

Station Selection Parameters:
  Parameters to select a specific station.

  --keys STKEYS         Specify list of Station Keys in the database to